Thursday, August 27, 2009

What do I do now?

It has been a week since I called the ombudsperson. Nothing from social worker, nothing from
podiatrist.No glasses. No EEG results.

Craig has been walking better since I cut his toenails, but seems to be less cognitive this week.

Today it hit the fan.......

Got 2 voicemails from nursing home. Another seizure. Nurse asks if he has a history of seizures.
Which part of his chart is missing? Or do you even read it?

I decide this time I am going to go thru the process myself, sp I will have some input.

Rush to nursing home.Charge nurse says doctor ordered MORE meds. I ask why more meds.
She says they add to existing seizure meds if not effective. I ask if not effective, why is he getting them? Go to room. LPN is sitting on bed with hubby trying to keep him from getting out of bed.
He is unable to speak, non interactive. Keeps trying to scoot himself up in the bed. There are tears in his eyes. I tell the nurse I think he is in pain, and she agrees.

I tell them I want him to go to the hospital, so they call the doctor, and he writes the order.

Vitals are taken, and his BP is high. Nurse tells ambulabce driver he is tachycardic too.

Follow to hospital. After 1 hr in waiting room, ask for update and am sent to his stall. He still cannot focus, speak or interact. Has no idea who I am. Nurse states they drew bloodwork, did chest xray.Are waiting to see if doctor ordered CT scan.

Sit for 1 1/2 hrs. nurse comes back to tell me they are waiting for transport for CT. Wait another hr. Step out for coffee and food. Realize past lunch and no food for hubby, so buy overpriced cookie and M&M's for hubby.

takes another 20 mins to get back to hubby.Wait another hr, nurse asks if PA has been in. NO.....
Says they are going to send him back to nursing home. What?

After feeding hubby cookie and candy watch monitor for another hour. Watch bp spike, watch
respirations drop to 7, watch pukse race up and down, spiking at 157.

PA comes in and says blood work and xray good except his Depakote (seizure med) level is low.
Guess he didn't get his meds today. Wonder how that happened.

I ask why his pulse and BP are acting weird. Told they ran cardiac on his blood and NPF.
Said she reviewed his history. Asked why EEG results were never divulged. Dodge that question.
Tell her he never had seizures until on meds.She is surprised, since chart says history of seizures. Says should have seen Neuro after first seizure. Told her I asked for referral when hubby was admitted to NH. Says get pushy.

Then says something that made me sit back...says seizures are not normal for AD.

Wonder what school she went to????????

Ambulance comes to take hubby back. I call NH ask nurse to note on cgart for Doc to call me.
Tell nurse about request for Neuro,she asks what insurance he has.Tell her Medicaid.

She tells me there are NO Neuro's in our county who accept Medicaid. She says he will be put on list. I tell her can't get to the top if no one puts you on the list!

Call ombudsperson again and leave message. Will talk to her about NH, doctor, Neuro.

Wonder if Craig will last long enough to see the neuro? Not if this bunch has anything to do with it...

How much more can I take? How much more can he take?

How awful it must be for older spouses to try to navigate this mess,,,,,

I am still fairly young (relatively speaking) and I am losing my mind!

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