Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Here we go again!

Today I went to see hubby at the NH. He was wandering the halls again as usual.
He didn't see me standing in the hall, but when I called to him, he knew who I was, and tried to turn around.The wrong direction, but he tried.

I put my arm around his shoulder and gave him a kiss, and he put his arm around my waist.
As we walked towards his room, his hand slid down until his hand was resting on my hip, and he asked if that was my cigarettes. I told him no, that was my behind. The CNA laughed, and we continued down the hall.

I told him I had brought him so Yoohoo (his favorite drink), and he walked down the hall with no resistance.

I got him into the room and sat him down, handing him the drink box and getting a good look at the shiner that is the remnants of his facial injury.

He tries to talk a little, words spilling out with no connection to each other, and grasps my hand.
I notice he is not falling over when he sits and seems more alert. Then his roommate informs me he has been spitting his meds at the nurses stating " Now you understand, I don't want to take them".

Funny, not one call from the NH telling me he is not taking his meds.

As I am sitting with him, the Psychiatrist who screamed at us last time he was in comes in to talk to the roommate. He hesitates at the end of the bed we are sitting on and leaves. Good!
I don't think he would win an argument with me again.

I have heard nothing from the nursing home concerning the new psychiatrist, and see no indication they have made any change to his treatment.

Upon arriving home after my visit, I find and envelope from the NH addressed to me with a note inside requesting that I "take care of this immediately".

In with the note is a form letter from Medicaid, addressed to my husband (who cannot
toilet himself, let alone read a form letter), telling him he has 10 days from the date on the form to report if someone in the household (I am assuming that would be me) has insurance thru work
that could be applied to him.

I look at the date, and the date has already passed....

I have insurance at work, but my husband has never been covered.I also know that since it is not open enrollment time, I must have a court order or significant life event (birth, death, divorce, adoption) in order to add him. I also know that pre-existing conditions are NOT covered for the first 2 years, and that the coverage I have from this Insurance company won't cover many of my BASIC needs.

I guess I will have to call tomorrow, and remind them that all communication must be done thru me, or there will not be any compliance.I will also have to go thru the long process of trying to explain my insurance situation, at which time I'm sure they will insist I try to have him added anyway.

And I am now waiting patiently for the inevitable phone call, since hubby is refusing his meds,
Stating they are having him removed again, or are sending him to the mental hospital.

It never ends..................

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peg,
    I found your Blog thru a email you sent me. I am so sorry to hear about Craig. Life sure has not been easy for you, I wish you and your family all the best and will try and stay in touch more often. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget that just a little note will make all the difference. Just wanted you to know that Im thinking about you!!
