Monday, March 15, 2010

Can't believe it!

I thought after the observation of last weeks events, something would be done. Went to the NH over the weekend, and was told they added twice daily doses of tylenol. No other orders.

 Told the nurse I wanted to talk to the doctor. Also told her that the symptoms I described to my online doctor friend indicated he may have tardiv dyskenesia. Now nurse is telling me can't be that.

 Went to the NH this morning and spoke to the NH admin, who also called down head of nursing. Explained about the incident and the floor nurse who lied about meds. Told them I was concerned not only about Craig , but others whose meds were life sustaining. I was told they would review the chart, check the med records and get back to me.

 Craig seems to be more relaxed, and is snoring while sleeping now. But also seems to be having trouble with swallowing his spit and coughing again. Pale and cold. Unable to wake him in the 2 hours I was there.

 Time to speak to the doc again.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Eventful day

I will try to post more often since I seem to have acquired a few followers.

I started oput the day yesterday with my trip to the psychiatrist. I bemoaned my lack of friendships, and he told me that I needed to tell people up front what I expected from a relationship. I always thought that friends did for each other without being tols or asked, but guess I was misinformed.
 Went at lunch time to the NH, spent some time with Craig and then attended the care plan meeting. I asked for weekly updates from Hospice, and once again complained about the incidents where Craig seemed to be either having a seizure or in pain. Apparently nothing in the chart despite my repeated requests to have it checked out.

Down the hall to see Craig again, and after being with him few only a few minutes he starts to get aggitated, and begins the all too familiar epsiode. This time it is so intense, a nurse runs around the corner to see what the noise is, and I pull the nursing supervisor out of her office. he is shaking uncontrollably, arching his back, hyperventilalting, eyes are bulging out and grimacing. NOW he has everyones attention! they take his vitals, BP is at 72 over 60 and someone finds the PA for our doc in the next wing.

 Now comes the really cute part: the NS asks about what medds and what schwedule he is on. The charge nurse tells her he is on Depakote 2x day at 8am and 8pm. I ask what the med was she gave on the way out of the lunch room. She says did not give him a med. I say then what was that you stopped me to give him. She says Magic cup. I say no the stuff n the med cup mixed with applesauce. She admits it was his Depakote.
When NS asks why he was getting at 1pm she says she was busy and had just gortten around to it!

 So the doctor is now looking into changing meds.And now everyone knows what I have been compalining about for weeks. They can no longer think it is just my overactive imagination. I feel better that now they will do something about the pain he has been dealing with.

 I know that he is not is such great shape, but there is never a reason to suffer because someone just won't listen.

 Waiting to hear from Doc. Will let you know what happens .

Monday, March 8, 2010

The fight for me

No matter how hard I try, I just can't seem to get a break! Went to the doctor and had blood work and the yearly done.All seemed to be smoothing out.

 Enter the suicide threats! Niece tries to hang herself, several girls on the website threatening, spent days trying to talk to them , only to have them tell the others that I was being mean to them! Telling them they needed to call 911 or check themselves into a mental health clinic is being mean? Been there , done that!

 Still no communication from my brother in law, Craig having more seizures, 5 days of plugged up toilet... too much at once!
Called and applied for Short term disability and FMLA. Just want to get my shit together and get some help.
Doc calls and asks about STD papers, go to office to talk to her, have a total meltdown.Try to explain that I'm so out of it, don't clean, don't balance checkbook, don't leave the house.Even doctor is hugging me trying to calm me down.
 Get text from boss asking when I'm coming back to work at 11 pm. Told her I emailed, and she should check with HR.Woke up by phone the next morning, panic attack! The phone never rings unless somethings wrong with Craig. Answering machine comes on , yelling into phone to hold on, twist ankle getting to answering machine, only to find out it is STD people asking "If your husband has been sick all this time, why are you depressed now?"
When was the last time you had to watch you husband die slowly? When was the last time you cried until you threw up? When was the last time you had to deal with a sister out of her mind because we had to kick in her daughter's door and cut her down? When was the last time you felt like you had no one to hug you, or talk to you, have dinner with?When was the last time you had to try to balance a 45 dollar 2 week paycheck against
taking care of your husband? When was the last time you shopped for baby food to try to get your husband to eat after 4 days with no food or drinking, only to have him gag trying to swallow and have a seizure?

 I can feel myself swirling around that pit waitjng for the suction to pull me in! God I hope this psychiatrist call pull me out of this funk. Doubling the meds has helped some, but they are for the depression, what about the
stress? And how am I going to keep paying for these doctor visits and meds? What a catch 22...

Even the chatroom on the ALZ site is starting to depress me.So many self centered why me people. STFU and step up! It's ok to share, vent, ask for help, but don't sit there telling me what a wonderful person you are for putting up with Grandma/Mom/Dad/Grandpa.Then tell me in the next breath you are not going to get them treated for a serious health problem, or how you are planning your next vacation to Paris.

Guess I've vented enough for one day. If Craig wasn't in such bad shape, I'd chuck it all and move back to Ohio.At least someone there would call if they hadn't heard from me in 3 weeks...